About Us

Our Focus

We facilitate soulful, ceremony experiences for people of all walks to access their personal bliss through group events, buoyancy training, and sacred at-home ceremonial tools.

Our Vision

We are transforming the notion of BLISS from a pie-in-the-sky ideal, to real-world, self-healing that is buoyant, and shifts the choices we make, even when life is hard.

Our Why

We do this work to help make the world a more blissful place.

About the Founder

Founder Judy Schiller is a celebrant, healer, and speaker.
With a background in adult education, feng shui, and various
healing modalities, she inspires people to view their lives
more positively, and from fresh perspectives. Fueled by hope,
courage, and a big heart, Judy provides sacred space and
tools that allow us to overcome gravity-defying life challenges
with intentionality and positivity.

I want people to have the tools to get
through their challenges, so that they
can find their own silver lining in life,
whatever that means to them.

— Founder Judy Schiller

We'd love to hear from you!


Contact us at

[email protected]

or @theBLISSchallenge